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My impression of Google I/O 2016

I have not yet had a chance to attend this event but I just watched it on Youtube as usual. :)
  • Google Assistant
You might be very familiar to Google Now if you're Android fan. I saw that Google Assistant is like an upgrade to Google Now. It looks smarter because we are able to make a conversation with Google rather than just saying "Ok Google" and getting the tasks done as Google Now. That means Google Assistant can understand our personal words in our contexts.

For example:

I: Who is Google CEO?
Google: Sundar Pichai
I: Show me his awards  => Here I don't need to say "Show me Sundar Pichai awards", because I don't know to pronounce his name correctly. :)

I am thinking about that we can compare Google Assistant to Siri of Apple.
  • Google Home
At Google I/O 2015 last year, Sundar mentioned about working on a exciting project with Internet of Things and I think Google Home is a result. Working with Google Assistant, Google home is a very smart and modern device in order to communicate with others such as lights, radio, TV to help us get tasks done with our voice.
  • Two new messaging apps: Allo and Dou
    1. Allo: We can chat with a resident chatbot. I am thinking about the slackbot of Slack. :)
    2. Dou: It is a video calling app but the thing special here is that we can see preview (the faces of who calling) before starting the conversation.
  • Some improvement for OS: Android N
From this generation of Android, it cares of security with encrypting data and checking security for apps in Google Play. It also supports multi-tasking - I saw it is the same way with iOS.
  • Daydream a new platform for Virtual Reality
Using both headset and controller - look like a remote for TVs. :)
  • Android wear 2.0 updates
I can't imagine more that a watch can do too many things with AdroidWear such as messaging, taking note and keep track health.
  • Android studio 2.2
Automatically generating test code! Java 8 support.
  • Instant apps 
Running apps without downloading!
  • Firebase
Just heard that it is a developer platform innovation. I still  have no idea. Let's explore it!


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