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Agile Design

How can you design the software which is built in tiny increments? How can you ensure that the software has a good structure which is flexible, maintainable and reusable? ARE'NT YOU GOING TO MISS THE BIG PICTURE? Not really! In an agile team, the big picture evolves along with the software. How? With each iteration, the team improves the design of the system so that it is as good as it can be for the system as it is now. They focus on the current structure of the system, making it as good as it can be . How do we know if the design of software is good? Avoiding these following  symptoms of poor design (design smells) should be a way. 1. Rigidity - The design is hard to change. 2. Fragility - The design is easy to break. 3. Immobility - The design is hard to reuse. 4. Viscosity - It is hard to do the right thing. 5. Needless Complexity - Overdesign 6. Needless Repetition - Mouse abuse 7. Opacity - Disorganized expression These symptoms are similar in nature

Installing NGINX on macOS

I have heard of a lot of NGINX recently. One of them was it can help for security issues; for sure, it much be more. It so happens that our team has got a ton of user stories from a security audit. It's time to delve into it. What is NGINX? In order to get a basic idea and have some fun , I've just picked some available posts from my favorite Vietnamese blogger communities as below: NGINX (pronounce: Engine-X) is a web server (comparing to IIS, Apache). It can be used as a reverse proxy ( this is what I need for security issues with configuration ), load balancer and more. How to get started? I found the below path for learning NGINX by googling "learn nginx": In this post, I only went first step. This is installing NGINX on macOS and taking a first look at the confi

Today I Learned - Git at First Glance

Getting Started It's always fun to jump right in to the "HelloWorld" app. Just go for it! Visit: Cheatsheet It's time for us to store our "magic tools". Visit: Which collaboration way fit your team? Git is just a tool which doesn't teach you how to work properly in a team. It depends on your projects and you need to choose your own team workflow. Visit:

Make Our Code More Testable with Proxy Design Pattern

If you heard about the term separation of concerns , you could agree this concept is very important for making a system "clean". One of the most important characteristics of a clean system is testable. Let me tell you my story about how I've just come acrosss the design pattern Proxy. Note: to get started, you can find a very simple example of the pattern Proxy  here .  Let's start! I have an interface as below: public interface DocumentGenerator { File generate(Document document) throws BusinessException; } The following is my first implementation for a concrete class of DocumentGenerator . public class DocumentGeneratorImpl implements DocumentGenerator { private Dossier dossier; private Locale locale; public DocumentGeneratorImpl(Dossier dossier, Locale locale) { validateNotNullParams(dossier, locale); this.dossier = dossier; this.locale = locale; } private void validateNotNullParams(LibertyDossier dossier, Locale locale) { if(Objec

Separate Constructing a System from Using It

I n the real world, in order to use a building (hotel, supermarket, etc) we need to construct it first. This concern should be applied for software development as well. Step by step, I would like to show you the issue about no separation of constructing and using it and then I'll give you some approaches to overcome this issue. | Note : you can find the  below  demonstrated code here    Take a Look the Following Simple Application Used tools and technologies: Eclipse (Mars), JDK 1.8 I had an App which uses Controller . Controller uses Service (an interface). Finally, Service has one concrete class is DefaultService . //package vn.nvanhuong.system.separationconstructing; public class App { public static void main(String[] args) { Controller controller = new Controller(); controller.doAction(); } } public class Controller { private Service service; public void doAction(){ System.out.println("doAction in Controller"); getService().execute();

The Evolution of Team Collaboration

I n my point of view, if a team has a good collaboration, team members will achieve the following: To be more effective To make work more enjoyable I have been working for a company for nearly four years as an software developer. Working on various projects from maintaining existing systems to developing a substantial product resulted in me moving to new teams three times. Actually, my most stable team lasted only around three years.  Every time I've moved to a new team, I have a chance to work with new members and a new team culture again. Indeed, I realize that there is a process of developing the team collaboration which gets better time by time. I think it is an evolution ! Phase 1: Poorly collaborate For example, that is when the team members have the following issues: Only work on his/her area of expertise Don't communicate to others Be not confident to take on new challages Don't listen to other members. Subsequently, the team has

Building a Wizard with Chain of Responsibility Pattern

What is the Idea? We want to create a page that there are some steps and each step has its own business. Users are able to click on a step and its status could be changed. Primefaces owns a component " Wizard " but it it quite hard for us in order to apply our very specific and complicated business domain logic on each step; even we cannot click on a step of this component. We somehow are able to use the component " TabView " works with a strong back-end mechanism. A backend mechanism! what do I mean? Yes, we need it because we want to abstract the behaviors of each step otherwise we will get trouble with many events handling. Obviously, each step has some behaviors  such as "next", "back" and "switch' are the same and they are related to each other; but the business of these behaviors can be different totally. That is where the pattern "Chain of Responsibility" can be applied. Step by Step Building It! In this simple pr