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Climbing Fansipan – Highest Peak of Indochina

Fansipan is a mountain in Vietnam, the highest in Indochina, at 3,143 metres. It is located in the Lào Cai Province of the Northwest region of Vietnam, 9 km southwest of Sa Pa Township in the Hoang Lien Son mountain range. Wikipedia

Currently you can get the peak by cable car; however, I loved to explore it by climbing.

Here are what I have learned from this exciting journey. 💪

Do not procrastinate

I have had no experience of climbing a high mountain before. Then, I've sought advice from my friends, but they suggested that I should not make it at that time due to bad weather and lack of experience. I know it never come true unless I just make my decision. Can't wait!

Prepare for your journey

You firstly need getting to know about the journey, schedule, transportation, etc. Recommended sources: YouTube videos, blog posts and tour companies websites.

- Quality hiking shoes helps a lot
- Bring your stuffs as light as possible. Important stuffs: a light raincoat and water (these things are provided by tour companies).

Believe in yourself

The path is far and the weather is tough but never lose your spirit. Keep moving step by step which helps to train your mind and your health as well.


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