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BarcampSaigon 2015

Barcamp Saigon is one of my most expected events of the year. This year, it took place at RMIT university. As usual, it brought many useful topics to the community. Here is all topics that I have attended.

Scale it! - Lars Jankowfsky

Lars is founder of

How do we make a decision correctly? It is hard to know that until we try and measure it. He gave an example about how good an app was. And, most of people thought that the app with nice user interfaces is good at the first look. But it is not correct because it is only true until we try to use it, even the nice GUI app sometime is not good at UX, functionalities, etc.

The key of success for working in team is collaboration. We can not only base on the experience of members likes: "In my opinions| As I know.... this is the best way..bla..bla.." but we should test it. Therefore, manually testing as well as automation testing is more and more necessary nowadays.

"Don't think, just try" - he said.

Shelfout - Chia sẻ sách và đam mê đọc sách - Nguyễn Trọng Tín.

Nguyễn Trọng Tín is founder of His idea is about creating a community in order to sharing books. He saw that 81% of book is not used again after it is already read once and he called it is waste. He has already found some existing systems like, Facebook groups but they are not satisfied his expectations. By, he wants to connect all people with passion on reading and books can be used more effectively.

Learn or Die? - Lars Jankowfsky.

Once again, he gave a question "If I want to build an app, which programming language should I use?". Actually, we are not sure. He provided some information from surveys and statistic that shows a lot of languages can be used and the popular one is different from region. So, we should be flexible base on what we know. The world always changes and we should learn to update our knowledge.

IoT How developers can get money - Thanh VNG.

Thanh is working in VNG, Vietnam. IoT (Internet of Things) is a bit trend today. Therefore, developers can have a big chances to work and earn money from that.

Why your proposal was ignored? - Soshi  Nemoto.

Soshi is from Molodo Vietnam. Your proposal should be logical.

About Barcamp Saigon:
"BarcampSaigon is an unconference that was created in the tech community in 2005. Organizers of the event only organized the space and the people from the community were the presenters" 

Leave comments below about your ideas. Thank you! See you on next events


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