This is the first post in a series of articles called "Monday vhandit". You can go to the original post by clicking on each head title.
Character encodings: essential concepts
This article points out why Unicode matters and differentiates among concepts: character sets, coded character set (unit is code points), and character encoding.
Explained from First Principles: the Internet
The very structural and well-explained article contains almost concepts of the Internet. I really appreciated the author's effort put on that post.
Dev Community - DevDojo
I just joined this community. DevDojo is really a developer-oriented platform. It is very nice, easy, fast, and sufficient to write (Markdown supported) and search for a post. The best of it, you also have a personal blog for your posts at "<your_username>". My username is vnnvanhuong
Everything you need to know about HTTP security headers
A good collection of HTTP security-related headers. Moreover, its content is structured in a timeline manner when a header is introduced to solve a specific problem.
A history of elliptic curves in tweets
A very fun and creative post for knowing more about the history of elliptic curves. It is fun for me because I am reading "Random Curves: Journeys of a Mathematician" by Neal Koblitz.
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