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A Template for Software Engineering Standards

Software engineering standard template

A well-structured standard acts as a blueprint that guides engineers in their daily tasks and long-term goals. Below, I will outline a template for creating a comprehensive software engineering standard.


The header serves as the document's identifier. It contains the following:

  • Authors: The people who have contributed to the creation of the standard.
  • Created Date: The date when the document was initially created.
  • Version: The version of the standard. It is typically updated with significant changes.
  • Status: The current status of the document, whether it's in draft, in-review, or official.
  • Next Review Date: The date when the standard will be reviewed for relevancy and accuracy.

Table of Contents

A table of contents provides an overview of what the document contains, making it easier for readers to navigate through the document.


The body of the standard comprises:

  • Values: The core beliefs that guide the decision-making process within the organization.
  • Principles: The established norms and rules that govern how the organization operates.
  • Practices: The specific activities and processes that are followed to uphold the values and principles.

Change History

The change history logs any significant amendments made to the standard. It includes the date of the change, description of the change, and the person who made the change.

Maintaining a clear and organized software engineering standard is not only beneficial for current team members but also for future members who will join the team. It promotes consistency, improves efficiency, and ensures everyone is on the same page.


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