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A theme for productivity at work

Simplifying the To-Do List

I have started to simplify how I manage tasks by using journaling as my tool. It's just one page, and all I need to do is write down what I need to do each day. This page will be archived weekly, and no personal kanban is needed anymore. I feel that this approach is sufficient for the job.

Focus Mode

I rarely get any notifications during the week.

- I use macOS Focus Mode "Mindfulness" as my default.

- I uninstall desktop apps that make noise, such as Slack, Outlook, Teams, and Messenger. Instead, I use the web in my browser.

- I use Flow as my Pomodoro app.

- I use macOS Shortcuts to define most of the tasks I do at work.

Keeping in Mind...

When I was too engaged in work, it was easy to get exhausted. There are two things that I should always keep in mind to avoid burnout:

- Always save time for adapting to changes.

- Do not expect too much from outsiders.


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