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Showing posts with the label DevOps

NGINX Web Server and Reverse Proxy

NGINX is a web server that can also be used as a reverse proxy. Almost all teams in our company today use NGINX to have a public domain with HTTPS or to serve a Single Page Application with Angular or React. I have presented this topic to my beloved colleagues. Below you can find my slides and screen recording video. Slides Screen recording video

DevOps for Dummies

Everyone talks about it, but not everyone knows what it is. Why DevOps? In general, whenever an organization adopts any new technology, methodology, or approach, that adoption has to be driven by a business need. Any kind of system that need rapid delivery of innovation requires DevOps (development and operations). Why? DevOps requires mechanisms to get fast feedback from all the stakeholders in the software application that's being delivered. DevOps approaches to reduce waste and rework and to shift resources to higher-value activities. DevOps aims to deliver value (of organization or project) faster and more efficiently. DevOps Capabilities The capabilities that make up DevOps are a broad set that span the software delivery life cycle. The following picture is a reference architecture which provides a template of a proven solution by using a set of preferred methods and capabilities. My Remarks Okay, that sounds cool. What does it simply mean, again? The f