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Showing posts from April, 2015

Selenium - Override javascript functions to ignore downloading process

I have got an issue with downloading process on IE 8. This browser blocks my automatic-download functionality on my app so that I could not work with my test case any more after that. In my case, I didn't care about the file is downloaded or not, I just focus on the result after downloading process finished successfully. Therefore, I found a solution to ignore this process so that I can work normally. I use Primefaces, here is the remote command to trigger the download process <p:remoteCommand name="cmdGenerateDocument" actionListener="#{logic.onGenerateDocument}" update="xrflDocumentCreationPanel" oncomplete="clickDownloadButton();"/> The following is my test case: @Test public void shouldUpdateStep6ToWarningIfStep1IsValidAfterFinished(){ MainPage mainPage = new MainPage(); waitForLoading(mainPage.getDriver()); EmployeeDetailPage empDetailPage = new EmployeeDetailPage(); waitForLoading(empDetailPage.getDriver()); e...

JQuery - Fixed Element during Scroll

I want to keep the position of an element likes a component on right side when I scroll down because of a very long content. Please take look at the code by visit the following link: Javascript function: $("#container").bind('scroll', function() { var fromTop = 50; var scrollVal = $("#container").scrollTop(); var top = 0; if ( scrollVal > fromTop) { top = scrollVal - fromTop; $('#rightElement').css({'position':'absolute','right':'1em','top' :top+'px'}); } else { $('#rightElement').css({'position':'static','top':'0px'}); } });